Saturday, October 16, 2010

I'm a "Mack" too... burp...

Friday I was the Mystery Reader at my son's school and in deciding what to read I came back to Dr. Seuss. I find that his books are not only funny but also are filled with lessons. The story that I read was: Yertle the Turtle. Quite a powerful story actually. Unfamiliar with it? Need a refresher? Here's the scoop: Yertle the Turtle is the king of the turtles. He decides that he wants to sit on a throne bigger than just a rock and begins to command the turtles to come and he stacks them. (Even though the turtles don't like it they still come and help) From his vantage point he's decided that he's the king of all he can see. But it's never enough and so keeps adding turtles. Along comes Mack who begins to politely express how painful it is that the king is making these decisions. He's hurting, and yet, the king shouts him down. Time and again Mack warns the king that it's too much and the king decides to add more so that he can build his kingdom to the heavens. When Mack has had enough he lets out a 'burp'. It shakes the tower of turtles and it all collapses. It ends with Yertle the turtle king being king of the mud.

Wow, I thought, as I read it again. How amazing that this story dovetails the political landscape in our country. The people in power (as of this writing it's the Democrats with Obama filling the role of president) are seeking to build their kingdom. The people have tried to politely say, "We've had enough, you can stop now." We're like Mack in the story. We've tried to speak our peace and multiple polls have suggested we are not in favor of the present "Change" that has come upon the USA. Some in my state (NY) would agree with Carl Paladino they they are "Mad as..." well you know. They are 'Macks', the guys at the bottom trying to hold it all together. The little guy whose voice is being ignored and drowned out. (What do you mean you don't want healthcare reform? What do you mean you don't support of repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"?! What do you mean you don't like us treating Israel like a step-child?! What do you mean you don't want to pay more taxes?! What do you mean the Stimulus isn't working?! What do you mean we have to create jobs... we gave extensions for people who are unemployed!)
Across the nation people are, like Mack, ready to "burp". November 2nd is about the little guys saying, "ENOUGH!" It isn't going to be about Independent, Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative... It's going to be about people with common sense voting their "Change and Hope" into office. And if that doesn't work they'll "burp" again. There are those who are seeking to build their kingdom upon the back of "Macks", but like Yertle the Turtle, they will find themselves ruling over the mud.

I'm a "Mack" and I approve of this message. ;)

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