Sunday, July 8, 2007

What a Weekend!

This weekend has been a blast! Friday after work we drove to Camp Hickory Hill near Warsaw, NY. I was privileged to speak to the Father and Son camp. But before speaking at the campfire that night we got a tour and a chance to use the climbing wall / tower. Actually my 4yr old and my 21 mo. old did the climbing. What a sight! All harnessed up my 4 yr old looked like an old pro as he worked his way half way before deciding that he'd had enough. My 'little guy' , Joel, held on to some of the footholds as they pulled him about 10 feet off the ground. The grin on his face was priceless. It was something that I'll never forget. We didn't have time to do much else before I was to speak, but we felt like we'd come back in a heart beat to do some of the other great activities they had there.
At the campfire we sang and saw some really funny skits about "what I learned from my dad". Then another song and I was up. I basically gave my testimony. My parents were divorced when I was 5... I didn't have a lot of time with my dad growing up... I still looked up to my dad... made a scrapbook with newspaper articles my mom had given me about my dad who was the Iowa State Discus champ in 1964 and 1965, as well as his wrestling abilities... (forgot to mention 1st team Football 1965 as a Tackle from Waverly, IA) I had written next to the "Athlete of the Week" heading, "and Father of the Year'... After moving and feeling like I didn't have any friends, at age 10 I responded to the invitation of a pastor, "Jesus will be your friend. He will never leave you or forsake you." I needed that friend and asked Jesus to lead me. At age 15 my youth group took the Sunday service and I gave my testimony of about Jesus coming to be my friend... I had people in my church asking me if I had ever thought of being a pastor. I hadn't. I thought the real money would be in computers and spent considerable time using the Apple II's in school. None the less, that summer at Family Camp in Birmingham, IA I responded to the invitation to come forward, " if you feel God is calling you to some form of full time ministry." So I knew exactly where I was headed... I shared some about my dad and how I had prayed for him about 16 years before I saw that he had gone back to Church. Since I got married my relationship with my dad has become what I'd hoped it would have been years ago. Now I have two little guys, Caleb 4 yrs and Joel 21mo.. We, Amy and I, were told that we couldn't have kids and 8 years after being married, God brought Caleb Noah into our lives. Both of my boys are very special. I have prayed for both of them so much... I've asked God, "Give them wisdom, and understanding, discernment to make right choices, and favor with Him and others, specifically the right people". Along with that prayer I ask that they might know God personally. I had an opportunity to share with Caleb the "Wordless Book". If you don't know what it is, it's a book with just colors. First black. It's the condition of our hearts... the Bible tells us that ALL have sinned, that everyone has blown it and come short of GOD's standard. I tried to communicate to Caleb Black means bad, like "ba, ba, ba, bad to the bone". He didn't quite get it... he says, "Black means bone"... But we continued on. Red represented the blood that Jesus gave to pay the penalty for our sin and allow us to be made right with God. White is the color of a new start, like a whiteboard that get's scribbled on and then completely cleaned to begin a new. The new start comes as we confess to God that we need what Jesus did for us to make us friends with God. The next color was gold. The bible tells us that Heaven's streets are gold and that we will be there with Jesus in heaven if we have asked Jesus to be our friend and savior. It's like the other side of the finish line... when the runner gets to the other side of the finish line there are cheers and congradulations, etc... that's what Heaven will be like for those that know Jesus, or should I say, who Jesus KNOWS! The last color was green. Which means we have to grow. Just as Caleb knows mommy and daddy he can come to know Jesus too. God wants to have a relationship with us if we will ask Him to.
My son Caleb hasn't immediately grasped all these concepts as I think he's a bit young, but the seed has been planted for him to know God. I know that others will come along and help water that seed, and down the road he'll follow Jesus...
Shortly after that I finished. I had many approach me and thank me for the message and tell me how it has affected them. I am truely thankful for the opportunity to have spoken there. I don't know the immediate impact, but I'm sure to find out. We never really know how much of an impact the things we say and do will make down the road.
Satuday started out a bit lazy... Caleb and I got hair cuts, I showered then did my walk through for work at Wegmans in Niagara Falls, then quickly to Burger King for some chicken fries for all of us and home to grab everyone and drive to a birthday party. The parties are a great time for the kids. Enough said.
Sunday we got up and went to church at Cornerstone Community in Buffalo, NY and then drove downtown to the Taste of Buffalo. The food was terrific, the crowds, like a raging sea, the music, off the charts. My oldest son, Caleb, was crying as we decided to leave, he had a great time. But as all things must come to an end, we left to crash at home and try to recover for the week ahead.
Now to bed to start the hamster wheel again this week.
What's ahead for me besides work?
Next Sunday July, 15th, I lead music and speak at "Worship on the Water" at Long's Homestead in Tonawanda.... 8:45am. The service is an "ecumenical" one in which different churches host different weeks. I'll be doing this again on August 19th with the Tonawanda Free Methodist Church and their worship band.
In between I'll be speaking July 22 and 29th at my church, Cornerstone Community Church at the corner of Capen Blvd and Kenmore Ave.. just a block from Route 5 and the UB south campus.

Peace to you all!


jean9 said...

Hey Lonnie,
It was great reading your blog. There was a lot of stuff I never knew about you, and I'm glad I got the chance to learn it. I love you guys and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Cools stuff Lonnie. I'll have to check it out.

Your cohort in Iowa

Pastor Roberta said...

Sweeeeet! You are now blogging! Check mine out at

I'll keep my ears and eyes open here at General Conference for things that might be of interest to you.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic Xmas ideas!! I enjoyed your blog. I will have to go on quite often to see what you are thinking!
If you ever get to Wisconsin, look us up. We have free room and board here, just for your family!
I bet you have a super Ma and Pa.
Trust God for He is GREAT!!