I just glanced back to see something that I had posted about a "New Direction". My "direction" took a detour in September. I stepped away from Incubator Creative Group. I have reasons which I do not intend to get into. But I think it is worth clarifying that I am not with them right now. So then now what?
I started looking at job boards and found a church that was looking for a guitarist. I sent an email and then waited. After about a week I got an e-mail back that the position was open and I had several quick e-mails to me from the Director of Worship. The following day I met with her and the pastor in an informal interview of sorts. I was invited to come to the church and see what was happening there and if I felt this was what God wanted, and they felt the same, we could move forward with this. As I write this I've been there for almost 5 months. I started playing guitar with the worship team and the last Sunday of January actually led the worship in music. This coming Sunday the church moves to two services. That follows thir changing of denominational affiliation (Converge Worldwide) and the new name of the church: Christ Community Church. It also follows monthly membership classes and baptisms in nearly the past three months (I may be short a month!). God is doing some amazing things there and people are coming to Christ! Lives are changing! It's amazing what God is up to there.
On a personal level, I have seen God doing something in me. Speaking to me and working on me. Each Sunday there has been at least one thing that the Pastor has said that God has got me chewing on.
As I look forward to speaking on February 17th and 24th I am reminded of the growth yet to take place in my life. I will be carrying weeks 2 and 3 of the series "Emotionally Healthy Spirituality". (The church records the services and places them online if you are interested in seeing them.)
In preparation for this series I've been reading and listening to the books by Peter Scazzero. I feel like God has taken a Brillo pad to my life. In interactions with others God challenges me with the words that I have been reading. What I wrestle with is the concept that "nothing is hidden from God and everything will be laid bare before Him." Like others, I fear the sudden exposure to the light of the dark places in my heart. But to be the person God wants me to be, I have to bring it all there before Him. The level of honesty with myself is frightening. The depth of the changes I see on the horizon though, are emancipating. Knowing that I don't have to be anything other than who God has made me, and dealing with others in the freedom of knowing Christ and experiencing His love, thus being able to show His love to others, is beyond words.
The first step in this process of changing direction and coming to this point has been that of surrender to God. I had to let go of what I planned and I have to agree with Him that His plan was better. Obedience from love is what He asks. Faith is the expression of walking in obedience. I do not know where this will all lead. I do know that God is leading and I must follow. Jesus is my direction.
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