Last Sunday (March 15th) I was told a story... I'd led the song "How Great Is Our God" by Chris Tomlin in Church a few weeks earlier. A granddaughter of one of our members told her grandma that she really loved the song. So they looked up the song on the internet and listened to it. The grandma found a picture of Chris Tomlin and told her that he was the guy that did the song. The granddaughter later said, "Grandma, he looked better in person when he sang at church."
Today my son Joel (3yrs) was laying down for a nap. He really has been wanting to visit "GoGo" his Aunt Jodie. But lately she's been sick and we know that Joel will pick up whatever bug seems to be near... So as he again asked me to go I told him that we needed to pray that she would be healed of her sickness before we could go. Joel started to pray! (first time ever!) "God, I love you. GoGo needs to be better now so that we can go eat smarshmellows, and pick berries and swim and have a bonfire." I was so moved. I explained to Joel that God is more likely to answer a prayer that gives Him all the credit, praise and glory... not just a prayer because we get something out of it. Even so I was so blessed.