Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Workout

Happy Thanksgiving to my friends and family!

It seemed funny tonight that we would gather and eat like pigs and then workout, but I admit, I saw it coming. My beautiful wife, Amy, is doing a "Biggest Loser" thing at work. And being the driven person that she is, I was guessing that she would come from work, eat the Thanksgiving meal and then get on the recumbent bike. Any doubts that this day of feasting and thanks giving would include 30 minutes to burn a couple calories were erased while I was eating my second plate of food. "I'm going to get on the bike after this." I heard. Crazy thing... After watching my bride pull off 30 minutes (and would have done more... if not for the need to do a flute lesson with our niece and then leave...), I sat at the seat to "give it a try". My try went 10 minutes. That's pretty good considering that I could only pull 6 + minutes on our elliptical machine. However I still managed to burn a good 100 calories myself. And when I thought I would pass out from the exertion, I was at least seated for a crash landing, should that occur... unlike our elliptical where I would have done a header into the boys toy box or face plant into the computer monitor. So I have reason to be thankful that we were able to "have our pie and eat it too" to change the quote. And hopefully from this tidbit a chuckle of laughter might be heard bounding from your throat. Possible a wry smile.

Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a good night...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The New Assistant Pastor of Worship!

It's official today! They announced at Niagara Alliance Church that I was coming and will start December 1st to be ready for our first Sunday December 7th!

In fact at the website: in the staff section Pastor Mark has already included me. :~D

Thank you for your prayers as we have been discerning God's plan for our lives and the direction He wants us to go. Please pray for out church as we begin the necessary task of transforming our worship experience (especially the music) to help us target a new generation for Christ, with out alienating the present generations!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Faith Factor

As I was reading my devotions this past week the topic of faith came up. Pastor David Jeremiah (Turning Point Ministries and Shadow Mountain Community Church El Cajon, CA) pointed out how Jesus didn't do many miracles in one location. Why? Because of their faith. They just didn't believe Jesus was who He claimed to be or was able to do what He said he could do. What about today? Is it possible that we do not receive because we, as "People of faith", don't have faith?!

This hit pretty close to home. I've been trusting God to open doors, or so I've tried to convince myself. I'd been a bit anxious that this might not happen. But why? The whole Candidating process has gone well. The feedback I got was very possitive. My interaction with the Pastor has been great. But thinking that it was about 99% done had me thinking about the 1%. The 1% chance that the church will not have the funds or the Elder Board will embrace the thought they don't need to change. That's when I was challenged to believe that God covers the 1%. God owns the cattle on a thousand hills and is more than able to provide. God moves the hearts of leadership. God is soverign. God is able... to do more than I could ask or imagine.

That is the faith factor. He can when I can't!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Seeing God's Favor

I've prayed a prayer for some time that includes "Father, give me wisdom, understanding, discernment and favor with You and the right other people." It may seem like a funny thing to pray for favor with 'the right other people', but on Monday it was no coincidence that I got the right help.
It started for me when I couldn't get the cap off my tire stem to see if I could add some air into the tire. I pulled into Mr. Tire on Military Rd. in Niagara Falls, NY. They were busy enough but took the time to see if they could take a look at the tire for me. After pulling the tire off they noticed what looked like a drill bit (yea, I couldn't believe it!) in the sidewall of the tire. That renders the tire unrepairable. So after I explained that I would be able to replace my tire at another place they willingly took my spare tire from under the back of my KIA and placed it on the front and put the other tire in the back of the vehicle to get fixed. Now this doesn't seem astounding other than the fact that I didn't owe them anything for it. It was free. I have to say I am thankful for God's constant favor.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Now you can see why we're worn out!

We've had so much going on recently it was nice to just catch a few winks. Funny thing was that as Amy was taking pictures I knew it and just laid there. :!) Another side note... after I saw the picture I was reminded of one in which I was half of Joel's size and was sound asleep on my dad's chest! Dad's are a safe haven for their kids, just ask Joel. Thank God for Dads!

You probably noticed that this is my fifth post for the same day. We really have been that busy! Glad to have the opportunity to put something up to show how the boys are growing and what we've been up to as of late.
Enjoy family and friends!

Look daddy... Joel with pineaple slices

So while we were eating recently Joel picks up the pineapple slices and make them look like glasses, then he takes one and puts it over his head... "Daddy don't I look like an angel?!" We laughed... God certainly has a sense of humor so send us this extremely active boy!


Update on me.

I can officially say that I'm Candidating at Niagara Alliance Church on Nov. 15th and 16th. It's all a new thing for me because in the Free Methodist Church there was an interview and you either got it or didn't! This is much more like dating, then being engaged (Candidating) before saying, "I do."

I know that I'll be leading the music that Sunday and will be singing a solo and should find out more information soon. The 15th will be a 'meet-n-greet' with the congregation. Should be a good time! Thanks everyone for your prayers and support.
God bless you one and all!



A few weeks ago we traveled to Letchworth State Park for a craft show. We never found the things Amy wanted, but Caleb got his face painted... Joel chickened out. So here's Spiderman!!!!
You might wonder what clown did this to my son. I honestly can't remember her name. :~)

Halloween Prize Kids!

Grammy (Amy's mom) makes the costumes and then gets the satisfaction of saying, "Yea, I'm that good." This year Caleb, the Rhinestone Cowboy, got a 1st at his school and at the Ransomville Firehall. Joel, the skunk with flowers, got a 2nd at the Firehall. We have enough candy now that I should be in a sugar comma any day now...

Enjoy the pictures!