I laugh when I hear "Happy Holidays". I know that for the better part of my life the only "holidays" were Christmas and New Year's. It's funny to hear people explain why they say "holidays" instead of "Christmas"... "I didn't want to offend anyone by saying Christmas"... I'm offended that you didn't say Christmas. Which holiday were you celebrating? Kawanza? I'm not that ethnicity. I'm not actually Jewish, but I do serve the Jewish King of kings and Lord of lord's. I celebrate Christmas... Thanks for reading my mini rant... now for what I wanted to say...
Friends and Family,
Merry Christmas! So many of you have sent cards or pictures and encouraged us to do the same. We intend to after the 1st of January... but receive from us a warm and genuine "THANK YOU!". We so appreciate your friendship and for so many, the prayers, that you've lifted for us.
We still need your prayers. I'm at a cross roads of sorts and will need to see what God would have us do. Some interesting things have come to light and more than anything I want to hear God's voice and be obedient to it. I've been reminded that if I seek first His Kingdom that He'll take care of the rest. So I'm seeking the Great One who became flesh and pitched his tent under our skies that we would have hope.
God bless you all and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Lonnie, Amy, Caleb and Joel
Just stuff of life that I'll be sharing. It may be part of a message I gave or family stuff.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Caleb turns 5!
It just seems like yesterday when I, a new dazed and confused dad, followed a little 9 lb 2 oz baby to the nursery. I remember the next morning when they brought him in and we saw him struggling to breathe that it seemed our joy would be dashed upon the rocks of tragedy. Later we learned his lung was punctured and he would need to be in an oxygen tent for a few days while it healed up, as well he would be put on antibiotics for 10 days... Amazingly enough after that speed bump he's been fairly healthy since (other than an occasional cold or flu).
In the picture Caleb's excited about his 3rd remote control car. (Yea it's #3... Joel likes this one because it has wheels that light up, so maybe Caleb can share.) In the other picture Caleb's standing in his new Larryboy PJ's (he likes them, but said "Spiderman is better." Sorry Veggie Tales...) next to the Thomas the Tank cake... not Buzz Lightyear (another favorite), but it did the job, this year... better not make that mistake next year or I may be disowned... Nah!!!! I'm still his favorite . I can't believe it's been 5 years now, but it has and I'm trying to enjoy these moments. Hopefully ya'll are enjoying them with me. God has been so good to us... we didn't even know if we would have any kids...
I pray every night with Caleb and for Caleb (Joel too...) I know that his future is shaped by the faith he sees lived out. I believe God has amazing things planned for this little boy, if you don't believe, as my mom says, "you just hide and watch!".
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Gala Ball then snow...
We are officially on the march toward Christmas with 7 days till Caleb's birthday and Christmas at 9 days... Being that time of year we started our Christmas (note that is the 'holiday' I celebrate) season with Aunt Jodie's (affectionately called GoGo) Gala Ball. Here are a few of the pictures of the boys and Amy and I. We all had a good time watching the boys dance and visit with Santa, etc. Enjoy the pictures!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
TSO Christmas Concert HSBC Arena
Tonight Amy and I took Caleb to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. We sat with Amy's sister, Tracy, her boyfriend Chris and cousins; Tori, Justin and Calli (Amy's sister, Jodie's daughter).
Amy and I went to see TSO two years ago with my Dad and his wife Donna... we all had a great time. We decided that when we thought Caleb was old enough that we'd take him. So, we did. The great thing about being a dad is that you get a first hand look at the reactions. This was Caleb's 1st TSO concert, and probably not his last. They started and it was full on lights, music, smoke effects... and Caleb's mouth was wide open. Shortly after that his hands were on his ears as it was all a bit too loud with the tubes in his ears working perfectly. But, he adjusted and just soaked it all in. We asked him what he liked best and he said, "THE WHOLE THING!" Yea, he thought the pyro was cool with colors changing from red to white to yellow/green. He thought that the raging guitars was cool... along with the drums and everyone else playing on stage. He was enamored with the lazer lights and the use of smoke and "snow" that the lights hit. You could see him pointing toward the top of the arena at the points where the lazers pointed to... it was an amazing thing to him. A night he won't forget.
Personally, I loved the first part of their concert. It's their story that they weave narrative with music and song and lighting and "snow" to communicate the Good News of Jesus in a way that is almost non-detectable. For me, the music to "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" was so moving as I recalled the words... "let nothing you dismay... remember Christ our Saviour was born on Christmas day... to save us all from Satan's power when we had gone astray..." Tears filled my eyes, just as it had the first time I heard this in their concert. It's like 'going to church' at times though that first part of the concert. A great message of hope is communicated in a most modern and captivating way. Contrast with the second half and well... I like the music, but it was more about "hey we're a great group of musicians and look at us...". I could have left after the first half and been quite satisfied. The second half was like the feeling you get when you've gotten way past the "full" point on Thanksgiving... too much.
So as I walk away from that event I say to myself (again) there should be a way to use this technology in a way that communicates the Good News of Jesus all year long. I've seen the Blue Man Group twice and now TSO twice. I am amazed at what can be done with the mediums of our day to communicate a message. I would love to see that message be about Jesus.
Amy and I went to see TSO two years ago with my Dad and his wife Donna... we all had a great time. We decided that when we thought Caleb was old enough that we'd take him. So, we did. The great thing about being a dad is that you get a first hand look at the reactions. This was Caleb's 1st TSO concert, and probably not his last. They started and it was full on lights, music, smoke effects... and Caleb's mouth was wide open. Shortly after that his hands were on his ears as it was all a bit too loud with the tubes in his ears working perfectly. But, he adjusted and just soaked it all in. We asked him what he liked best and he said, "THE WHOLE THING!" Yea, he thought the pyro was cool with colors changing from red to white to yellow/green. He thought that the raging guitars was cool... along with the drums and everyone else playing on stage. He was enamored with the lazer lights and the use of smoke and "snow" that the lights hit. You could see him pointing toward the top of the arena at the points where the lazers pointed to... it was an amazing thing to him. A night he won't forget.
Personally, I loved the first part of their concert. It's their story that they weave narrative with music and song and lighting and "snow" to communicate the Good News of Jesus in a way that is almost non-detectable. For me, the music to "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" was so moving as I recalled the words... "let nothing you dismay... remember Christ our Saviour was born on Christmas day... to save us all from Satan's power when we had gone astray..." Tears filled my eyes, just as it had the first time I heard this in their concert. It's like 'going to church' at times though that first part of the concert. A great message of hope is communicated in a most modern and captivating way. Contrast with the second half and well... I like the music, but it was more about "hey we're a great group of musicians and look at us...". I could have left after the first half and been quite satisfied. The second half was like the feeling you get when you've gotten way past the "full" point on Thanksgiving... too much.
So as I walk away from that event I say to myself (again) there should be a way to use this technology in a way that communicates the Good News of Jesus all year long. I've seen the Blue Man Group twice and now TSO twice. I am amazed at what can be done with the mediums of our day to communicate a message. I would love to see that message be about Jesus.
Concert Jesus,
HSBC Arena,
Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Birthday party at Rollie Pollies
Friday, November 9, 2007
"Most beautiful song I ever heard!" -Caleb
Wednesday night on TV we watch Kid Nation together. This past week I had to work late so I missed the show. Amy calls me up on Thursday to tell me about what happened and Caleb's response. On Kids Nation they had a talent show and when it was over they asked about hidden talents. A girl got up to sing. Amy said, "She didn't look like much, but, MAN could that girl sing!" What she sang had Caleb's complete attention, jaw open, staring at the TV... Amazing Grace. At the end of the song Caleb said, "Mom, that's the most beautiful song I ever heard!" Amy was having a hard time holding tears back. When she told me the story I was working and trying not to cry myself. To further clarify what Caleb meant she asked him later at bed time. He said, "The words. Those words were beautiful."
Maybe as you are reading this you are trying to remember the words or maybe even singing the tune... Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind but now I see.
Do you hear the sound of "I forgive you"? Do you realize you were missing? Are you now seeing?
The view for me is getting better.
Maybe as you are reading this you are trying to remember the words or maybe even singing the tune... Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind but now I see.
Do you hear the sound of "I forgive you"? Do you realize you were missing? Are you now seeing?
The view for me is getting better.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Birthday party at Kidzplay
Birthdays are a big deal and we wanted to include the kids of Amy's co-workers and yet not mortgage the house... so we went to Kidzplay for Caleb and Joel's birthday party. They had a blast and got tired out from all the activity. We were really impressed with how smoothly the two hours went.
Enjoy the pictures... (oh yea cousins, Calli Jo, Tori and Justin were there too!)
Check out the cake too... Quite original... it's supposed to be Caleb and Joel in a ball pit after sliding down. We got a lot of comments about the cake!
Joel was 2 on October 6th and Caleb will be 5 on December 23rd. The November party is pretty close to being in the middle of their birthdays. It was also a chance for Caleb to have a somewhat "normal" birthday since his is so close to Christmas. They were very thankful for everything they got... including a TON of clothes. (well, they like the clothes and LOVED the toys... as a parent we were THRILLED with the clothes, especially the PJ's... Caleb came down in the middle of the night and said, "Daddy my toes hurt." His footsie Pj's were more than a bit tight on his toes and he had a light 'brush burn' on his big toes, which I fixed with triple antibiotic and band aids... oh, and PJ's without feet.)
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Vacation Pictues!
Here are a few pictures from our trip. We are still talking about it!
We were there with my Dad and his wife Donna from Iowa... so you'll see a picture of the boys with them here too. They had a great time also. We definitely picked the right time of year to go down there... good food, open beaches and wonderful weather! Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
We hit the ground running...
We made it safely back from our trip to Myrtle Beach (actually it was Surfside Beach). The place was wonderful and the weather was pretty nice too! I'll post some pictures in a couple days as I've been running since I got back.... In between servicing my stores today we got a chance to meet with Tim and Amy Newman, who helped hook us up with our Condo (they allowed us to use their week. A big "Thank you" again to them. It's great to have such good friends.
One quick funny from our trip... Caleb and Joel kept calling Grandma Donna Thoms, Grandma Bundy... They must have thought that our most generous Grandma Bundy (my mom), who sends books, DVD's and such... it had to be her because she came with a bag of toys and a Veggie Tale movie for them to watch.
The boys became pretty attached. Joel and Caleb frequented "Pappa and Grandma's" room and both warmed up to them, so much so, that after they left to return to Iowa, Joel thought he saw "pappa" while shopping and called out to him (a perfect stranger). It was cute. Caleb even was crying because he missed them too.
I said a quick story... Guess I better stop for now. Check back in a few days and I should have a few pictures.
One quick funny from our trip... Caleb and Joel kept calling Grandma Donna Thoms, Grandma Bundy... They must have thought that our most generous Grandma Bundy (my mom), who sends books, DVD's and such... it had to be her because she came with a bag of toys and a Veggie Tale movie for them to watch.
The boys became pretty attached. Joel and Caleb frequented "Pappa and Grandma's" room and both warmed up to them, so much so, that after they left to return to Iowa, Joel thought he saw "pappa" while shopping and called out to him (a perfect stranger). It was cute. Caleb even was crying because he missed them too.
I said a quick story... Guess I better stop for now. Check back in a few days and I should have a few pictures.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Lake Ontario
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
We're at that fun stage of development with Joel. He loves to sing. Sunday I heard him singing one of our songs from Sunday service... "oh no you never let go, through the calm and through the storm..." As a dad I just have to smile. The latest song he keeps requesting (Caleb too!) is "Power! Daddy. Power!" Selah is a group that reworked the classic hymn, "There is Power in the Blood". We put that CD on in the Kia Sorento and both boys are yelling "POWER! POWER!". (they keep asking for it in the Ford Focus, but I don't have a CD player in it) I put the CD on our iPod that we won (another story in itself) and plugged the iPod into my speakers in the kitchen. Suddenly the kitchen was 'God's Groove Central'... both boys were running and dancing, and singing. For the record they also like "Esango", also on the CD 'Hiding Place'.
All of this reminded me of Psalm 8:2 (New Century Version) With praises from children and from tiny infants, you have built a fortress. It makes your enemies silent, and all who turn against you are left speechless.
The more familiar version of NIV says,"From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise..." And right now I'm getting an ear and eye full... (grin!)
All of this reminded me of Psalm 8:2 (New Century Version) With praises from children and from tiny infants, you have built a fortress. It makes your enemies silent, and all who turn against you are left speechless.
The more familiar version of NIV says,"From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise..." And right now I'm getting an ear and eye full... (grin!)
Monday, September 3, 2007
Boat Ride!
Caleb kept telling me that he wanted to go on a boat every time we went to the "Worship on the Water". He didn't understand that if there wasn't someone in the boat that you couldn't just walk up and go for a ride. Thankfully Wally Freck, who hosts the "Worship on the Water" with his wife, had a boat. We just had to coordinate schedules and well... we got to go last week on Wednesday! We spent 2 hours out on the water and the boys just loved it. Caleb was a bit scared at first but really began to enjoy it. Wally even let me behind the wheel to drive it. The only casualty was Joel's Pooh hat (see picture). We were moving along at a good clip and approaching the Grand Island Bridge (Buffalo /Tonawanda side) and the wind was picking up and... whoosh! there went the hat! The boys thanked Wally for such a great time.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Take me to the river...
Sunday after speaking at the Worship on the Water in Tonawanda at Long's Homestead, Caleb, Joel and I grabbed some breakfast and went to a park by the river. We had a great time walking and seeing the sights. They loved the boats, RC airplane, and the cute dog... the dog walked with a 'hop' in its step. The owner said the front right leg was broken when it was a pup and after it healed the dog just walked like that. It reminded me of Joel's skip / run. Very cute. Unfortunately the fun turned to bummer as Caleb caught the virus Joel had... Both are well now, but it was pretty uncomfortable for both boys for a couple days.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Worship on the Water July 15
Hey friends!
We had a great morning, a bit cool, but at least there wasn't any rain! I'm thankful that God provides exactly what we need... I needed someone to help keep an eye on the boys while I sang and then spoke... there was a couple from the Presbyterian church that brings the coffee and donuts... they were just enamored with my boys, especially Joel. It was as if they found a couple grandkids they didn't know existed. The music went well and my testimony was well received. I used the wordless book again, and was asked where to get one immediately following the service. I knew that God was working as I saw tears in the eyes on one lady as I spoke. Later she asked me "How do you forgive someone who had hurt you deeply?" I answered, "only God can help us forgive and love others that way." I can't say that was the best answer, but without going into details, it was the best place for her to start.
It made me think of Colossians 3:13 "Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."
It's difficult to do that sometimes, but that's why we have to come back to God. God forgave us, we also should forgive each other. We don't tend to forget what happened, but God can bring healing to our wounds. I was reminded again of 1 John 4:20
"If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen."
This verse really hits home. because I do love God, but I know that I've held onto my share of resentment and anger. It is only by the grace of God that I have been learning to let it go and trust God to take care of the circumstances that I can't control. I realize that anger, bitterness and unforgiveness can chain my and your soul and keep us from loving God and others as God would have us to. That's why it's so important to live at peace with everyone, as far as it is possible with us. I'm sure this isn't a new revelation to anyone, but in truth I'm sure it's something that we all have struggles with at one time or another.
"God, place in our hearts the love that breaks the chains that keeps us from loving You and others the way you have called us to. Amen"
We had a great morning, a bit cool, but at least there wasn't any rain! I'm thankful that God provides exactly what we need... I needed someone to help keep an eye on the boys while I sang and then spoke... there was a couple from the Presbyterian church that brings the coffee and donuts... they were just enamored with my boys, especially Joel. It was as if they found a couple grandkids they didn't know existed. The music went well and my testimony was well received. I used the wordless book again, and was asked where to get one immediately following the service. I knew that God was working as I saw tears in the eyes on one lady as I spoke. Later she asked me "How do you forgive someone who had hurt you deeply?" I answered, "only God can help us forgive and love others that way." I can't say that was the best answer, but without going into details, it was the best place for her to start.
It made me think of Colossians 3:13 "Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."
It's difficult to do that sometimes, but that's why we have to come back to God. God forgave us, we also should forgive each other. We don't tend to forget what happened, but God can bring healing to our wounds. I was reminded again of 1 John 4:20
"If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen."
This verse really hits home. because I do love God, but I know that I've held onto my share of resentment and anger. It is only by the grace of God that I have been learning to let it go and trust God to take care of the circumstances that I can't control. I realize that anger, bitterness and unforgiveness can chain my and your soul and keep us from loving God and others as God would have us to. That's why it's so important to live at peace with everyone, as far as it is possible with us. I'm sure this isn't a new revelation to anyone, but in truth I'm sure it's something that we all have struggles with at one time or another.
"God, place in our hearts the love that breaks the chains that keeps us from loving You and others the way you have called us to. Amen"
Thursday, July 12, 2007
god is not GREAT (WHAT?!?!?)
Life right now is kind of an 'out of body experience'... my body is Merchandising (books and magazines), but my mind and soul are thinking about God and His Kingdom and how I presently fit into that, and where I will fit in the future. (and if I have a future in pastoral ministry), but I digress.
Two weeks ago my company shipped a book to one of my stores with the title: "god is not GREAT" with the sub title, 'How religion is wrecking everything." Mind you, I don't have time to read a lot and so my impressions about this book are superficial, but I immediately thought: "Hey, why don't you just entitle it, 'I had a bad experience with religion and I really discourage people to believe there is a god, because if we just ignore Him, maybe He'll go away.' " Then I started to think a bit deeper about how the author spelled God with a lower case g... and how he sub titled it... religion is wrecking... I coupled that with a statement I read online from the new pope about how the Catholic church was the only "true church" because of "apostolic succession" and then I got to thinking... religious games are played in churches and denominations (include Protestant and Catholic) and in the name of god people have done some pretty nasty stuff... and, well, I suppose one could get the idea that all religions have contributed to 'wrecking everything'., and the god that they serve is not GREAT.
On the other hand, history has shown that people who have a deep relationship with Christ do make a difference, because the GREAT GOD they serve is mightily working and moving and driving them. I think about the stories of John Wesley, Charles Finney, and George Whitfield (that's my correction of John Whitehead), just to name a few. I think of the impact that the Gospel of Christ has had on communities to better them and create a climate of care and compassion. I believe it was DL Moody who heard from Henry Varley the famous quote, "The world has yet to see what God can do with a man fully consecrated to him." Moody has been quoted as saying, "By God’s help, I aim to be that man."
Some times I forget how GREAT God is. I forget what He's done for others and me. I remember times in the past that I've prayed and seen God move. I don't know about you, but I'm in that place once again. I want to be a Living Expression of Christ, showing others our GREAT GOD. My prayer is that the testimony of others will be about me and the Church that I so love, "how God is making a difference in countries, communities and citizens like you and I".
Trusting in our GREAT GOD!
Two weeks ago my company shipped a book to one of my stores with the title: "god is not GREAT" with the sub title, 'How religion is wrecking everything." Mind you, I don't have time to read a lot and so my impressions about this book are superficial, but I immediately thought: "Hey, why don't you just entitle it, 'I had a bad experience with religion and I really discourage people to believe there is a god, because if we just ignore Him, maybe He'll go away.' " Then I started to think a bit deeper about how the author spelled God with a lower case g... and how he sub titled it... religion is wrecking... I coupled that with a statement I read online from the new pope about how the Catholic church was the only "true church" because of "apostolic succession" and then I got to thinking... religious games are played in churches and denominations (include Protestant and Catholic) and in the name of god people have done some pretty nasty stuff... and, well, I suppose one could get the idea that all religions have contributed to 'wrecking everything'., and the god that they serve is not GREAT.
On the other hand, history has shown that people who have a deep relationship with Christ do make a difference, because the GREAT GOD they serve is mightily working and moving and driving them. I think about the stories of John Wesley, Charles Finney, and George Whitfield (that's my correction of John Whitehead), just to name a few. I think of the impact that the Gospel of Christ has had on communities to better them and create a climate of care and compassion. I believe it was DL Moody who heard from Henry Varley the famous quote, "The world has yet to see what God can do with a man fully consecrated to him." Moody has been quoted as saying, "By God’s help, I aim to be that man."
Some times I forget how GREAT God is. I forget what He's done for others and me. I remember times in the past that I've prayed and seen God move. I don't know about you, but I'm in that place once again. I want to be a Living Expression of Christ, showing others our GREAT GOD. My prayer is that the testimony of others will be about me and the Church that I so love, "how God is making a difference in countries, communities and citizens like you and I".
Trusting in our GREAT GOD!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
What a Weekend!
This weekend has been a blast! Friday after work we drove to Camp Hickory Hill near Warsaw, NY. I was privileged to speak to the Father and Son camp. But before speaking at the campfire that night we got a tour and a chance to use the climbing wall / tower. Actually my 4yr old and my 21 mo. old did the climbing. What a sight! All harnessed up my 4 yr old looked like an old pro as he worked his way half way before deciding that he'd had enough. My 'little guy' , Joel, held on to some of the footholds as they pulled him about 10 feet off the ground. The grin on his face was priceless. It was something that I'll never forget. We didn't have time to do much else before I was to speak, but we felt like we'd come back in a heart beat to do some of the other great activities they had there.
At the campfire we sang and saw some really funny skits about "what I learned from my dad". Then another song and I was up. I basically gave my testimony. My parents were divorced when I was 5... I didn't have a lot of time with my dad growing up... I still looked up to my dad... made a scrapbook with newspaper articles my mom had given me about my dad who was the Iowa State Discus champ in 1964 and 1965, as well as his wrestling abilities... (forgot to mention 1st team Football 1965 as a Tackle from Waverly, IA) I had written next to the "Athlete of the Week" heading, "and Father of the Year'... After moving and feeling like I didn't have any friends, at age 10 I responded to the invitation of a pastor, "Jesus will be your friend. He will never leave you or forsake you." I needed that friend and asked Jesus to lead me. At age 15 my youth group took the Sunday service and I gave my testimony of about Jesus coming to be my friend... I had people in my church asking me if I had ever thought of being a pastor. I hadn't. I thought the real money would be in computers and spent considerable time using the Apple II's in school. None the less, that summer at Family Camp in Birmingham, IA I responded to the invitation to come forward, " if you feel God is calling you to some form of full time ministry." So I knew exactly where I was headed... I shared some about my dad and how I had prayed for him about 16 years before I saw that he had gone back to Church. Since I got married my relationship with my dad has become what I'd hoped it would have been years ago. Now I have two little guys, Caleb 4 yrs and Joel 21mo.. We, Amy and I, were told that we couldn't have kids and 8 years after being married, God brought Caleb Noah into our lives. Both of my boys are very special. I have prayed for both of them so much... I've asked God, "Give them wisdom, and understanding, discernment to make right choices, and favor with Him and others, specifically the right people". Along with that prayer I ask that they might know God personally. I had an opportunity to share with Caleb the "Wordless Book". If you don't know what it is, it's a book with just colors. First black. It's the condition of our hearts... the Bible tells us that ALL have sinned, that everyone has blown it and come short of GOD's standard. I tried to communicate to Caleb Black means bad, like "ba, ba, ba, bad to the bone". He didn't quite get it... he says, "Black means bone"... But we continued on. Red represented the blood that Jesus gave to pay the penalty for our sin and allow us to be made right with God. White is the color of a new start, like a whiteboard that get's scribbled on and then completely cleaned to begin a new. The new start comes as we confess to God that we need what Jesus did for us to make us friends with God. The next color was gold. The bible tells us that Heaven's streets are gold and that we will be there with Jesus in heaven if we have asked Jesus to be our friend and savior. It's like the other side of the finish line... when the runner gets to the other side of the finish line there are cheers and congradulations, etc... that's what Heaven will be like for those that know Jesus, or should I say, who Jesus KNOWS! The last color was green. Which means we have to grow. Just as Caleb knows mommy and daddy he can come to know Jesus too. God wants to have a relationship with us if we will ask Him to.
My son Caleb hasn't immediately grasped all these concepts as I think he's a bit young, but the seed has been planted for him to know God. I know that others will come along and help water that seed, and down the road he'll follow Jesus...
Shortly after that I finished. I had many approach me and thank me for the message and tell me how it has affected them. I am truely thankful for the opportunity to have spoken there. I don't know the immediate impact, but I'm sure to find out. We never really know how much of an impact the things we say and do will make down the road.
Satuday started out a bit lazy... Caleb and I got hair cuts, I showered then did my walk through for work at Wegmans in Niagara Falls, then quickly to Burger King for some chicken fries for all of us and home to grab everyone and drive to a birthday party. The parties are a great time for the kids. Enough said.
Sunday we got up and went to church at Cornerstone Community in Buffalo, NY and then drove downtown to the Taste of Buffalo. The food was terrific, the crowds, like a raging sea, the music, off the charts. My oldest son, Caleb, was crying as we decided to leave, he had a great time. But as all things must come to an end, we left to crash at home and try to recover for the week ahead.
Now to bed to start the hamster wheel again this week.
What's ahead for me besides work?
Next Sunday July, 15th, I lead music and speak at "Worship on the Water" at Long's Homestead in Tonawanda.... 8:45am. The service is an "ecumenical" one in which different churches host different weeks. I'll be doing this again on August 19th with the Tonawanda Free Methodist Church and their worship band.
In between I'll be speaking July 22 and 29th at my church, Cornerstone Community Church at the corner of Capen Blvd and Kenmore Ave.. just a block from Route 5 and the UB south campus.
Peace to you all!
At the campfire we sang and saw some really funny skits about "what I learned from my dad". Then another song and I was up. I basically gave my testimony. My parents were divorced when I was 5... I didn't have a lot of time with my dad growing up... I still looked up to my dad... made a scrapbook with newspaper articles my mom had given me about my dad who was the Iowa State Discus champ in 1964 and 1965, as well as his wrestling abilities... (forgot to mention 1st team Football 1965 as a Tackle from Waverly, IA) I had written next to the "Athlete of the Week" heading, "and Father of the Year'... After moving and feeling like I didn't have any friends, at age 10 I responded to the invitation of a pastor, "Jesus will be your friend. He will never leave you or forsake you." I needed that friend and asked Jesus to lead me. At age 15 my youth group took the Sunday service and I gave my testimony of about Jesus coming to be my friend... I had people in my church asking me if I had ever thought of being a pastor. I hadn't. I thought the real money would be in computers and spent considerable time using the Apple II's in school. None the less, that summer at Family Camp in Birmingham, IA I responded to the invitation to come forward, " if you feel God is calling you to some form of full time ministry." So I knew exactly where I was headed... I shared some about my dad and how I had prayed for him about 16 years before I saw that he had gone back to Church. Since I got married my relationship with my dad has become what I'd hoped it would have been years ago. Now I have two little guys, Caleb 4 yrs and Joel 21mo.. We, Amy and I, were told that we couldn't have kids and 8 years after being married, God brought Caleb Noah into our lives. Both of my boys are very special. I have prayed for both of them so much... I've asked God, "Give them wisdom, and understanding, discernment to make right choices, and favor with Him and others, specifically the right people". Along with that prayer I ask that they might know God personally. I had an opportunity to share with Caleb the "Wordless Book". If you don't know what it is, it's a book with just colors. First black. It's the condition of our hearts... the Bible tells us that ALL have sinned, that everyone has blown it and come short of GOD's standard. I tried to communicate to Caleb Black means bad, like "ba, ba, ba, bad to the bone". He didn't quite get it... he says, "Black means bone"... But we continued on. Red represented the blood that Jesus gave to pay the penalty for our sin and allow us to be made right with God. White is the color of a new start, like a whiteboard that get's scribbled on and then completely cleaned to begin a new. The new start comes as we confess to God that we need what Jesus did for us to make us friends with God. The next color was gold. The bible tells us that Heaven's streets are gold and that we will be there with Jesus in heaven if we have asked Jesus to be our friend and savior. It's like the other side of the finish line... when the runner gets to the other side of the finish line there are cheers and congradulations, etc... that's what Heaven will be like for those that know Jesus, or should I say, who Jesus KNOWS! The last color was green. Which means we have to grow. Just as Caleb knows mommy and daddy he can come to know Jesus too. God wants to have a relationship with us if we will ask Him to.
My son Caleb hasn't immediately grasped all these concepts as I think he's a bit young, but the seed has been planted for him to know God. I know that others will come along and help water that seed, and down the road he'll follow Jesus...
Shortly after that I finished. I had many approach me and thank me for the message and tell me how it has affected them. I am truely thankful for the opportunity to have spoken there. I don't know the immediate impact, but I'm sure to find out. We never really know how much of an impact the things we say and do will make down the road.
Satuday started out a bit lazy... Caleb and I got hair cuts, I showered then did my walk through for work at Wegmans in Niagara Falls, then quickly to Burger King for some chicken fries for all of us and home to grab everyone and drive to a birthday party. The parties are a great time for the kids. Enough said.
Sunday we got up and went to church at Cornerstone Community in Buffalo, NY and then drove downtown to the Taste of Buffalo. The food was terrific, the crowds, like a raging sea, the music, off the charts. My oldest son, Caleb, was crying as we decided to leave, he had a great time. But as all things must come to an end, we left to crash at home and try to recover for the week ahead.
Now to bed to start the hamster wheel again this week.
What's ahead for me besides work?
Next Sunday July, 15th, I lead music and speak at "Worship on the Water" at Long's Homestead in Tonawanda.... 8:45am. The service is an "ecumenical" one in which different churches host different weeks. I'll be doing this again on August 19th with the Tonawanda Free Methodist Church and their worship band.
In between I'll be speaking July 22 and 29th at my church, Cornerstone Community Church at the corner of Capen Blvd and Kenmore Ave.. just a block from Route 5 and the UB south campus.
Peace to you all!
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