Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tangled... revisited... and more!

Shortly after I posted the last entry I seriously thought about the character of the "mother" and how she so mimicked the picture of the devil that the Bible speaks of. Jesus said in the book of John: "The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy." In so many ways that's exactly what she was doing... she stole Rapunzel, attempted to kill her "boyfriend" and at every turn she tried to destroy any hope that Rapunzel had. The Bible says that the devil is the "Father of lies". This "mother" claimed to "know best" but lied about who she was and lied and deceived to manipulate the people around her. As I watched that movie it just angered me that she would do that... How could she trap the girl? How could she pretend to be something she wasn't?! How could she manipulate the people around her to help her perpetuate her facade? Then it hit me that is exactly how the devil works. He tries to paint Christians as "extremists" who are "dangerous". He wants to kill any hope that arises when one person places their faith in Jesus Christ. He wants to destroy marriages and have pastors caught in sins of all types to degrade any thought that Jesus' words are true and "work". It seems to me that the movie "Tangled" really brings out some interesting thoughts. What's your response?